
Sakura Grove



Hello! Tiny update, I added a new Rosie art! Do note that it was co-created by Stable Diffusion AI. I have added a page describing my process of how I create art with the help of AI. I will link it below. That is all for now. Have a wonderful day/night!


Happy Halloween! Small update today, I replaced the single art of Rosie on the site with a version I'm more proud of. That's all for now!


Small update! Though I would have loved to have a Halloween update for the site, I'm too busy trying to get it built! Maybe next year, haha.

Features added:

I'm not quite satisfied with the artwork, so expect it to be replaced soon! I am almost finished texturing and rigging the Rosie 3D model, so soon you will see her here on the site! There will be a holiday update rolling out at the end of November. By then, I should be finished building the basic site. Then I will begin work on the Minecraft server. Thank you for following the development of Sakura Grove!


Hello and welcome to the brand new Sakura Grove website! I'll cut to the chase and list the current and planned features of the site.

Features added in this update:

Planned Features (next update):

Planned Features (eventually)

Thank you so much for following the development of Sakura Grove! Have a wonderful time and join our Discord if you haven't already!

Background music :)